Alternate Media Procedures and Tutorial

Alternate Media refers to the conversion of printed course materials into an alternate, accessible format. This accommodation ensures students with visual, information-processing, or strength/dexterity disabilities have access to their textbooks and all printed course-related materials.

Accessible formats enable students who use assistive technology, such as screen-enlargers or text-to-speech software, to have equitable access to their classes.

Process for using Alternate Media Services

  1. Student registers for classes.
  2. Student submits an Accommodation Request through , selecting the specific Alternative Format accommodation for each class in which alternate formats for course materials are needed. Requests should be made as soon as possible after registration.
  3. ARS emails a Notification of Accommodation to each instructor.
  4. Student must use AIM to put in a request to receive an alternative format of a textbook. This is done through the portal by selecting My Accommodations > Alternative Formats > scroll down until you see "Additional Book or Reading Materials for {current semester}"> complete the form with necessary information > submit request. 
  5. Students are required to provide proof of possession before ARS can provide alternative formats for textbooks.
  6. ARS will email the student when Alt Media materials are ready to be downloaded. Please give five business days for this to occur. The text will be through either your AIM or Kurzweil account.

Student Responsibilities

  • Monitor ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ College email for status updates or questions from ARS and SDRC
  • Submit requests for alternative media as soon as possible
  • Provide proof of possession of the textbook(s)
  • Notify SDRC of any changes to the class schedule related to materials being converted

Instructor Responsibilities

  • Respond promptly to notification letters when necessary
  • Ensure classroom materials, such as presentations, readers, handouts, and websites are fully accessible.
  • Submit book requisitions to the campus bookstore.
  • Ensure online materials are created in an accessible format.