Accommodation Services

Not sure which accommodations you have? Login to and click on My Eligibilities (under the My Accommodations menu on the left).

Note: This is not an exhaustive list of accommodation/services.

Types of Accommodations

Test Accommodations

Test Accommodations serve to ensure students with disabilities are provided an equitable opportunity to demonstrate their competency of the exam material with minimal interference from their disability.

Test Accommodation may include:

  • Extended time
  • Distraction-reduced test environment
  • Assistive technology (e.g., screen reader, CCTV, word processor)
  • Accessible format (e.g., Word, enlarged text)

For more information on how to use a newly approved test accommodation, please visit: Test Accommodations Procedures and Tutorial

Housing Accommodations

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All residents are expected to abide by the housing application process and deadlines set forth by Housing and Residential Life.

Accommodation requests must be submitted directly to Accessibility Resources and Services (ARS) by submitting . Students requesting disability accommodations should also indicate the need and type of accommodation that they require in their on-campus housing application.

It is the responsibility of the student who has a qualifying need for a housing accommodation to submit their accommodation request(s) to ARS by the established priority deadlines to best ensure receipt of their requested accommodations. There is no guarantee that accommodations will be provided for the requested term if requests are received after stated priority deadlines. On-campus housing is limited; a student with a disability is not guaranteed accommodations if their request is received late.

Housing Accommodations may include:

  • ADA Rooms
  • Emotional Support Animal
  • First floor housing​

For more information on how to request housing accommodations, housing accommodation procedures, and priority deadlines, please visit Housing Accommodations Procedures.

Classroom Accommodations

Below are some classroom accommodations that may be appropriate for students with certain limitations. Please note, this is not an exhaustive list:

  • Notetaking assistance
  • Permission to audio record the course lecture
  • Assistive technology in classroom
  • Accessible furniture
  • Preferential Seating

If you have sent in your documentation and completed your meeting with the Accessibility Services Director, here are a few tips for how to make the most of your academic accommodations.

For more information on how to use your approved accommodations, please visit our accommodations procedure page. 

Emotional Support Animals

Emotional Support Animals may be approved as a housing accommodation for students with documented disabilities.

If you’d like to submit a request to have an emotional support animal in Housing, submit an application on the Accessibility online portal and have your medical professional/clinician complete the ESA Verification Form. After forms have been completed in its entirety please upload to your online profile on the Accessibility Online portal. ARS will follow-up with an email to schedule an intake appointment. This process will also include College Housing to facilitate approved requests.

To learn more about Emotional Support Animals on campus, you may review the Service and Emotional Support Animals policies and procedures.

To learn more about Service Animals on campus, review the Service Animal policy.

Alternate Media

Alternate Media refers to the conversion of printed course materials into an alternate, accessible format. This accommodation ensures students with visual, information-processing, or strength/dexterity disabilities have access to their textbooks and all printed course-related materials.

Accessible formats enable students who use assistive technology, such as screen-enlargers or text-to-speech software, to have equitable access to their classes. 

For more information on how to use your alternate media accommodation, please visit the Alternate Media Procedures

To request an alternate media conversion please submit an to the SDRC. 

Assistive Technology

Assistive technology is available through SDRC to assist students with disabilities. Below is a list of available assistive technology:

  • Dragon Software (Speech-to-Text)
  • Kurzweil Software (Electronic Books)
  • JAWS (Screen Reader)
  • Otter App (Record & Transcribe) 
  • Livescribe Pen

For more information about available software, please contact the  

Alternative Deadlines on Assignments Accommodation

Alternative time on course assignments may be a reasonable accommodation in certain situations for students with health-related disabilities. A medical or clinical situation may pose challenges with completing assignments by deadlines when unexpected situations arise.

For example, students with chronic mental health or neurological conditions may require hospitalization, alternative recovery times, and/or additional time to stabilize from unanticipated adverse reactions to medication or other treatment. If the student has a disability with random or cyclical acute episodes, the accommodation allows for flexibility in assignment deadlines and make-up work.

Assignment deadlines do not apply to requests due to chronic personal organization and time management difficulties (e.g., poor planning, procrastinating, and/or overcommitting).

Learn more about the policies and procedures regarding Alternative Deadlines accommodation. This process requires an interactive process between faculty, student and ARS.

Mobility Accommodations

Below are some of the available mobility accommodations. At this time, ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ College does not offer a mobility assistance tram/cart. 

  • Relocating classrooms, lab, field trips and living spaces in accessible locations.
  •  will provide carts and mobility devices.
  • First floor housing and/or ADA rooms