Vision for Sustainability


We envision a carbon neutral campus by 2030.

SAVE: Sustainable Action | Visible Effects

Published in 2017, SAVE is ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ College's guide for creating and managing a sustainable campus community. The plan outlines measurable strategies that lead the College to achieve ambitious sustainability goals and reach carbon neutrality by 2030. SAVE aligns the work and direction of The Board of Trustees, the President, the President's Advisory Committee on Sustainability, and the ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ community.

Progress on SAVE goals and initiatives is published each October in the SAVE Annual Report. See below for a snapshot of our key categories and visit our online, interactive SAVE Annual Report for highlights on programming and progress towards goals.

Key Categories

Vision, Goals & Performance

Toggle through the dropdowns below to see each category's vision and goals. For full highlights on achievements and progress, view our online, interactive SAVE Annual Report. You can also request a PDF copy of the SAVE: Sustainable Action | Visible Effects strategic plan by emailing

Climate Action


We aim to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030.

2030 GOALS

  • 50% reduction in scope 1 (natural gas) GHG emissions and offset remaining emissions from the 2014 baseline.
  • 50% reduction in scope 2 (electricity) GHG emissions and offset remaining emissions from the 2014 baseline.
  • Offset 100% of travel emissions through a carbon offset program with 75% participation from traveling faculty and staff.


To see our progress towards 2030 goals, view our online .



Create an environment supported by clean energy, data analytics, and efficiently operating buildings without sacrificing comfort, reliability, or resilience.

2030 GOALS

  • 40% reduction in electricity and natural gas usage from the 2014 baseline.
  • All facilities are submetered, including major loads, and are captured on an energy management platform.
  • Achieve a campus building energy use intensity (EUI) of 60 or less.
  • Invest in clean energy sources.


To see our progress towards 2030 goals, view our online .



Reduce our water footprint while supporting a vibrant, diverse, abundant campus ecosystem and creating a culture of water awareness and action.

2030 GOALS

  • 60% reduction in normalized water use from the 2014 baseline.
  • 50% of landscaping features drought-tolerant, native plantings.
  • 100% of major buildings or systems are metered for real-time water use.
  • 50% of outdoor space is permeable.


To see our progress towards 2030 goals, view our online .



Reduce, reuse, and divert our waste to create a responsible, healthy, Zero Waste campus.

2030 GOALS

  • 75% reduction in total waste sent to landfills from the 2014 baseline.
  • Five major campus events are zero waste (90+% diversion rate).
  • Achieve zero waste (90+% diversion rate).
  • 90% documented diversion rate for demolition and construction waste.


To see our progress towards 2030 goals, view our online .



Support a clean environment and healthy community through accessible, low-emission transportation.

2030 GOALS

  • 30% reduction in single occupancy vehicle commuting miles from the 2014 baseline.


To see our progress towards 2030 goals, view our online .



Increase sustainable food purchases to support a healthy community and minimize environmental impact.

2030 GOALS

  • 75% of seafood purchases are sustainable.
  • 10% of food purchases are organic.
  • 30% of food purchases qualify as sustainable.


To see our progress towards 2030 goals, view our online .

Buildings & Outdoor Venues


Construct, operate, and maintain efficient buildings and outdoor venues to create healthy spaces and minimize environmental impact.

2030 GOALS

  • 45 buildings utilize an energy management platform.
  • 90% of chemical cleaning products are sustainable.
  • 100% of paper cleaning products are sustainable.
  • 75% of cleaning equipment meets ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ College's Sustainable Operations and Maintenance Standards.
  • 100% of landscaped acres are landscaped organically.


To see our progress towards 2030 goals, view our online .



Incorporate sustainability principles into campus curriculum and activities to inspire the next generation of environmental leaders and innovators.

2030 GOALS

  • 50% of courses include a sustainability component.
  • 100% of departments offer at least one course with a sustainability component.


To see our progress towards 2030 goals, view our online .