Course Scheduling Information for Academic Departments

The Office of the Registrar has partnered with Coursedog to provide a single platform in which to propose and edit courses, schedule and edit class sections, and update pages each year in the Catalog. Coursedog solutions integrate to integrate to maximize efficiency, gain insights through easily accessed data, and accelerate student success.

Faculty and staff: if you do not have log in access but need it for your job duties, please let us know by emailing


Review the full Course Scheduling & Catalog Production Calendar for dates and deadlines relevant to course schedule and catalog production.

Upcoming Training Opportunities

Group workshops, topic focused

  • Course Schedule Validation 
    Intended audience: 平特五不中 Academic Coordinators 
    Join us via Zoom on

Zoom drop-in office hours

One-on-one in-person or Zoom assistance

Scheduling Instructions

Guide (PDF):
Guide (PDF):
Guide (PDF):
Guide (PDF):
Guide (PDF):
Zoom recording: - a walkthrough of Scheduling and how to submit a course section for spring 2025
Zoom recording: - a walkthrough of how to validate schedules for Academic Coordinators

Curriculum Management Instructions

Guide (PDF):
Guide (PDF):
Guide (PDF):
Guide (PDF):
Guide (PDF):
Guide (PDF):
Zoom recording: - a walkthrough of submitting new or revised course proposals

Coursedog Curriculum Management FAQs

Who reviews overlay applications?

The 平特五不中 College Teaching and Learning Committee reviews all requests for course overlays, whether the course is offered through 平特五不中 or one of the other Claremont Colleges.

I am a 5C professor. How can I have an overlay added to my course?

Currently the use of Coursedog is limited to 平特五不中 College faculty and staff. Please contact our office by emailing to discuss the process to apply for a 平特五不中 General Education overlay.

Who reviews proposals for new or revised courses?

The 平特五不中 College Curriculum Committee reviews all proposals, whether they are for a new course or a course revision (title, description, etc.). The Curriculum Committee is comprised of faculty, staff, and student representatives.

Why do I need to enter Contact Hours?

The Department of Education has federal regulations concerning the definition and assignment of credit/contact hours, which is enforced by the accreditation body for 平特五不中 College [the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC)]. 平特五不中 requires a statement of planned contact hours to ensure that we are upholding the federal regulations.

Who reviews courses for Breadth of Study/Area applicability?

The Office of the Registrar reviews courses for Breadth of Study relevance. Areas are assigned based on the official course descriptions and recorded learning outcomes for the course.

How can I change prerequisites, corequisites, or concurrent requisites on my course?

Course prerequisites, corequisites, and concurrent requisites must be changed by completing the Course Revision form and are subject to approval of the Curriculum Committee.

Coursedog Scheduling FAQs

How do I change the term?

  • Open the Section Dashboard, located in the navigation menu on the left
  • Click on the 鈥淪elect Term鈥 dropdown menu near the top left
  • Select the new term you want to work in
  • If you don鈥檛 see the term you are looking for it may mean you are outside the editing period for that term. Contact the office of the Registrar for assistance.

What鈥檚 the difference between a course and a section? Why does it matter?

  • Coursedog uses different products and procedures for courses and sections so it鈥檚 important to remember which you want
  • Courses designate curriculum content that remains essentially constant. Courses are primarily handled in Coursedog through Curriculum
    • E.g., ANTH002 - Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology and MATH032 鈥 Calculus III each have the same respective overall learning outcomes from year to year, even though the instructional sources, assignments, and instructors may change.
  • Sections designate the specific offering of the course within a term. Sections are handled in Coursedog through Scheduling
    • E.g. FREN033 may be scheduled multiple times in a term to meet student demand and different student and instructor schedules.

How do I add a course to my course list?

  • Open the Section Dashboard, located in the navigation menu on the left
  • Confirm you are working in the correct term or select a different term to work in
  • Click the COURSES button from just below the Select Term dropdown
  • If you do not see your desired course listed, click the +ADD COURSE option (in blue, near the top)
  • Search for the course you wish to add by course number or title
  • Select the course and click the blue ADD COURSE button in the lower right corner

How do I add a section to my course?

  • Open the Section Dashboard, located in the navigation menu on the left
  • Confirm you are working in the correct term or select a different term to work in
  • Click the +ADD SECTION button at the top of the screen
  • Search for the desired course by course number or title
  • Select the course and click the blue ADD SECTION button in the lower right corner
  • This will open the editor for you to select section information

How do I add multiple sections to a single course?

Follow the same process in the How do I add a section to my course? answer, above. Coursedog will assign section numbers in sequential order, though you can edit the section numbers if needed

How do I set the meeting pattern for a section?

  • Once you are in the process of scheduling a section, review the 鈥淭ips for entering Meeting Patterns, Rooms, Meeting Types鈥 card.
    • All parts in the 鈥淢eeting Patterns & Rooms鈥 card require entry before a section can be saved
    • Set the Meeting Pattern
      • Click the +MEETING PATTERN link
        • Select each day of the week the section will meet; all of the approved meeting times will appear
        • Meeting times approved only for certain disciplines (I.e., Studio Arts) will be indicated. Only select that option if you are scheduling for that discipline
        • Use the SELECT TBA option at the bottom for a course that has an meeting pattern you will set after the term starts
        • If you select USE CUSTOM TIMES the request will be routed for review and approval
        • Repeat the process (click the +MEETING PATTERN) for each component of a course that has a different meeting time.
          • E.g. if you are scheduling a course with a lecture that meets MWF at 9am and a lab that meets M at 1:15pm, create a meeting pattern for MWF 9am, and another meeting pattern for M at 1:15pm
      • Click the Not set link below the word ROOM
        • Begin typing the name of the building you want the section to meet in, and the possible buildings on 平特五不中's campus will appear, along with the room possibilities
          • The room options will indicate the capacity (size), and the type of room
          • If the section requires a specific feature or room style (type), you can use the Filter by Type and Filter by Features dropdown options to assist you in selecting a room that fits your needs
          • 平特五不中 courses may only be scheduled on the 平特五不中 College campus. If you want to meet in another location, contact the Office of the Registrar
      • Click the SET DETAILS link to select the Meeting Type 
        • You will need to do this for each meeting pattern you previously entered

Does setting a Room Preference guarantee me the room I want?

Though we are unable to guarantee that all instructors will get the room that they most want, setting a preferred room (under Meeting Patterns and Rooms), an alternative room (under Room Preferences), and/or other room preferences will help us select options that will meet your needs. You may select room types (auditorium, seminar, lab, studio, etc.), room features (whiteboard, projector, etc.), and the maximum room capacity, all of which we can use for classroom assignment, if needed. Keep in mind that there is considerable competition for rooms in the most popular course times, so providing this information upfront will help to ensure your needs are met.

Why can't I see all rooms?

The default search setting for rooms in the Meeting Patterns & Rooms card is for the "Show Only Available Rooms" toggle switch to be on. If an instructor has already requested a room in that specific time period, Coursedog reflects this by not showing the room as available. It does not mean that the other instructor will definitely be assigned to the room, but it does let you know that at least one other person wants the same room during that time. You can choose to request the same room, or you select a different room (one that has not yet been requested).

To select a room that has already been requested by another, toggle the "Show Only Available Room" switch off and search for the room by entering part of the name or by filtering by room type or feature. 

How can I assign co-instructors?

In the Instructors card, click the +INSTRUCTOR link to add each individual that will be teaching the section. You may add as many instructors as you want to a section.

I can't find the instructor's name. Now what?

In the Instructors card, click the +INSTRUCTOR link. All 平特五不中 College instructors associated with the department of the course will appear. You can start typing the instructor's name to find all matches. Remember that some faculty may use nicknames or may commonly use a last name that does not match the "official" name in our records. Try searching by someone's full first name, or by only a portion of the last name if you are having difficulty.

  • To assign a 平特五不中 instructor from another department:
    Toggle the All Instructors switch at the top of the window on. All 平特五不中 College faculty will appear - you can start typing their name to filter the options
  • To assign a non-平特五不中 (other 7C) instructor:
    Only 平特五不中 College Coursedog users will appear as options. Please contact the Office of the Registrar for assistance.

I have no restrictions on who can enroll. How do I show this?

In the Enrollment and Other Settings card, select the following options:

  • Permissions required:
    • I don't have requirements for PERMs
  • Restrictions by college association or class standing
    • No class or college restrictions


I only want to restrict registration by the student's college. How do I do this?

You have three options for this in the Enrollment and Other Settings card. Each allow for slightly different things; you may choose whichever works best for your needs.

  1. To only allow 平特五不中 students into your class
    1. Under Permissions required
    2. Select Require PERMs from all non-平特五不中 students
  2. To reserve seats for 平特五不中 students and allow the remainder to be filled by non-平特五不中 students without specifying the number from each school
    1. Under Restrictions by college association or class standing:
    2. Select Some seats for PO, remainder open
    3. Additional options will appear for you to specify the 平特五不中 student seat limit and the Non-平特五不中 seat limit. The total number must equal the Maximum enrollment number. 
  3. If you want to specify how many students are permitted from each college:
    1. Under Restrictions by college association or class standing:
    2. Select Allocate seats per college
    3. Additional options will appear for you to specify the total number of seats for each of the 5C schools (including 平特五不中). The total number must equal the Maximum enrollment number. You must enter a value to save for 平特五不中 College students as part of your total.
    4. Please note: graduate students from CGU/KGI with instructor's permission are guaranteed to be enrolled (even if the class is full/has reached maximum enrollment) so seats are not required to be set aside for them through this process.

What "Restrict by class standing" options are available?

The options through Coursedog are similar to what was available in the old scheduling process, with a few additions:

  • Only First Years
  • Only Sophomores
  • Only Juniors
  • Only Seniors
  • Only First Years and Sophomores
  • Only First Years, Sophomores, and Juniors
  • Only Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors
  • Only Juniors and Seniors

If you select any option that allows for more than one class year, additional options will appear for you to specify the total number of seats reserved for each class year. 

The ADD SECTION button is light blue and doesn't allow me to save. Why?

At least one required field is incomplete. If you hover your cursor over the ADD SECTION button a pop-up will appear letting you know what field(s) you are missing.

The following are especially easy to overlook:

  • Meeting Type (within Meeting Patterns & Rooms; see the How do I set the meeting pattern for a section? answer, above)
  • Maximum enrollment capacity (in Enrollment and Other Settings)

What does Validate a Schedule mean?

Validating is the process department schedulers use to indicate that the term's schedule is complete and ready for review. 

Validating a schedule starts a workflow to the Office of the Registrar. If the Office of the Registrar reviews and agrees that the schedule is complete, the process that builds the sections is initiated. If problems or concerns are identified, the schedule can be sent back to the department for additional review.

Are room descriptions and pictures available?

Room descriptions and pictures are available on (login required).

I want to schedule a course within an approved class time, but have it start five minutes early. Does this require special approval?

Yes. Any exception to an approved class time, including start and end times, requires an approved exception from the Dean.

Can I cross-list my course?

平特五不中 does not have cross-listed courses, though you may request that your course be listed within those of another department. To request this, please contact the Office of the Registrar via email at for assistance.

平特五不中 College Policies

Class Meeting Times

All classes must meet at or within the meeting times specified below.

Class Times Available for All Courses

  • MWF: 8:00-8:50, 9:00-9:50, 10:00-10:50, 11:00-11:50
  • MW: 11:00-12:15, 1:15-2:30, 2:45-4:00
  • WF: 11:00-12:15
  • TR: 8:10-9:25, 9:35-10:50, 1:15-2:30, 2:45-4:00
  • Once weekly (M, T, W, R or F) afternoon seminars: 1:15-4:00
  • Once weekly (M, W or F) evening classes: 7:00-9:50 p.m. (with break)

Class Times for Studio Arts, Broadly Defined

  • MW: 10:00-12:30, 1:15-3:45
  • WF: 10:00-12:30, 1:15-3:45
  • TR: 9:35-12:05, 1:15-3:45

Class Times for Athletics, Arts Ensembles and Continuing Labs

  • MW: 4:15-6:45
  • WF: 4:15-6:45
  • TR: 4:15-6:45

Class Time for Critical Inquiry Seminars, Senior Seminars or Other Approved Senior-Only Courses (Fall Only)

  • TR: 11:00-12:15

Additional information regarding class meetings and the course credit hour is available in the Grades, Credit and Academic Record section of the .


There is considerable competition for favored classrooms and class meeting times. Intradepartmental room conflicts must be resolved in advance of course schedule submission. Intradepartmental room conflicts that are submitted will be returned to the department for resolution.

Room conflicts between departments will be resolved with consideration of the following criteria established by the Dean of the College, and some courses may be taught outside of their regular classroom building:

  • Accommodations for physical needs or limitations
  • Pedagogical needs (equipment, seating, etc.)
  • Back-to-back course sections for the same instructor(s)
  • Most efficient use of classroom space (enrollment vs. classroom size, etc.)
  • Random draw by the Registrar鈥檚 Office

Class Meeting Exceptions

There may be cases in which special curricular needs require a class time outside of those previously approved. Such deviations from the approved class times require an approved exception from the Dean. For example, a course historically enrolling fewer than five students may be permitted to meet at non-standard times. Please refer to the course scheduling calendar for the specific deadline for requests.

Variations of class times that meet entirely within approved times do not require an exception. For example, language courses meeting MTWR from 10:00 to 10:50 a.m. do not require an exception.

No class may meet from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. on any day, or after 4:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, unless specifically allowed by the Curriculum Committee. This includes regularly scheduled class meetings and mandatory additional class meetings.

Note for fall semesters only: ID1 sections meet on TR from 11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. during the fall semester. Other course sections may also use this time if they do not otherwise permit enrollment of first-year students (e.g., senior seminars).

Lecture and Lab Class Meetings

The lecture and lab portions of a course may be offered together as one section if they are offered in a one-to-one combination with the same students attending both meetings. This allows the course section to appear as one section on the course schedule.

If students may choose from multiple lab options, the lecture and lab must be offered as separate course sections. The department should schedule each lecture section and each lab section (using LPO suffix) as a separate instance.

Enrollment Limits and Restrictions

Enrollment limits may be set as an overall limit that applies to all students regardless of college; as limits that apply to 平特五不中 and non-平特五不中 students; or as limits that apply specifically to students from each of the five Claremont Colleges.

Use enrollment restrictions to define the student characteristics you want your enrolled students to have, such as college, major, or class year of the student(s).

Please note that we make no assumptions about limits or restrictions that you may have used in the past. Enrollment limits and restrictions must be specified each semester during course scheduling.

My class meeting time is by arrangement for each student. Are there specific policies for arranged class meeting times?

We understand that some courses may require instructors to meet independently with each of their students enrolled in that particular course rather than hold a standard meeting time. Examples of such courses may include physical activity courses and senior exercise courses. These courses are typically subject to a maximum registration limit of five students, unless otherwise approved, and do not receive a designated classroom assignment given that the course has no designated approved meeting time.

Can I change the grading basis of my course just for this semester?

Grading options may be set at the course level or at the section level.

If the course requires letter grades or pass/no pass grading, all sections of the course must follow the same grading basis. To change the grading option for the course you must complete the course revision request.

If the course itself does not require a specific type of grading, a section instructor may require letter grades or pass/no pass grading. When the course schedule is submitted, choose the grading option desired for the section. If the course schedule has already been published, contact the Office of the Registrar at to request a change.