Academics Abroad

ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ College seeks to provide its students with integrative study abroad experiences by relying on the resources of the host country educational system and/or local instructors. There are considerable benefits in this approach, but students should be prepared for differences in academic structure and style compared with those of ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ College. These include course enrollment procedures, classroom pedagogy, student/teacher relationships, class assignments, and evaluation and grading.

Some programs provide the opportunity for direct course enrollment in the host country university. Other programs offer courses specially designed for U.S. and/or international students, though these are usually taught by host country professors. Many programs offer a combination of these two types.

In most international settings, courses may appear to be less structured than courses taught in the U.S. Students are expected to be independent learners, who assume responsibility in directing their own reading and academic progress. Course syllabi, reading lists, and homework assignments are sometimes not available.

Students who inform themselves and who anticipate these differences will adjust to the local system much more quickly. Site-specific academic information is available through program brochures, program orientation materials, feedback forms from past participants, and advising sessions with program staff, International and Domestic Programs Office staff, and ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ faculty.

University Courses

Curricular Differences

Some universities abroad typically offer specialized, year-long courses which culminate in comprehensive examinations. At other sites, semester-oriented university courses are available, and special arrangements for evaluating U.S. visiting students may be made.


At most universities abroad, matriculated students enter the university to specialize in one subject. Their "liberal arts" education has occurred at the high school level. U.S. students may encounter difficulties finding a university course at the appropriate level. Students may find first- and second-year courses in their major are too elementary, while third-year courses may be too advanced. The onsite academic advisors and program staff know the university well and will provide useful guidance on course selection.

Calendar Differences

Academic calendars of universities abroad usually differ greatly from the U.S. semester or quarter systems. For example, classes in some European countries begin in October and run through June or July, with extended breaks between terms. In Japan, the academic year runs from April to March. At some sites, ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ arranges a pre-session core course to extend short terms abroad.

Classroom Atmosphere

The classroom approach at many institutions abroad is much less interactive than at ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ College. Large lecture classes are common and attention to individual students is unusual. Professors may not wish to be interrupted or otherwise engage in classroom discussion with students. Office hours may not be offered.

Course Enrollment

Since universities abroad are decentralized in structure, comprehensive course listings or catalogs may not exist. Departments or faculties publish course lists shortly before the semester or year begins. At many universities, students must go from department to department or faculty to faculty to register for courses. U.S. students may find this a time-consuming and sometimes frustrating experience. Onsite academic advisors or program staff should be able to help navigate course catalogs and the enrollment process.


Continuous assessment does not exist at many universities abroad. Students should not expect regular grades, homework, quizzes, and midterms. Final grades are usually determined by a final examination or final paper. Professors will employ the local grading standards, and these may differ from U.S. standards.

Program-Sponsored Courses

Many programs offer courses specially designed for U.S. students. While these may be similar to U.S. college courses in design, they are usually taught by local faculty who may bring a teaching style and approach to the classroom that aligns more closely with local norms than those of the U.S.