Tuition and Costs for 2024-25


The standard comprehensive charge made to each student for tuition, fees and housing and food costs will total $86,814.00 for 2024-25. Additional fees for special purposes are listed below. A substantial portion of the total educational cost is borne by the College through the use of contributed funds and income from endowment funds. The costs of tuition fees are applicable to all classes, regardless of whether they are taught in-person, online or through a hybrid approach.

The College reserves the right to change any of the following fees at any time should conditions make it necessary.

General Fees

Tuition per semester$32,500.00
Student Body Fee per semester$210.00
Fee deposit
(includes housing deposit; one time only, at time of admission)

Residence Fees

Housing Cost Per Semester$6,159.00
Food Costs Per Semester
On-Campus Ultimate Meal Plan:
(Unlimited meals per week; $200 flex plus per semester)
Off-Campus Meal Plan:
(10 meals per week; $100 flex plus per semester)

All students living on-campus must purchase the Ultimate Meal Plan. Students living off-campus must purchase a meal plan but can choose either of the two options.

Cost of Attendance

2024-25 Academic Year

ItemOn CampusOff CampusParents/Relatives
Housing & Food$21,394$18,229$13,229
Books & Supplies$1,100$1,100$1,100
Personal Expenses$1,500$1,500$1,500
Medical Insurance   

The cost of attendance is what the college estimates it will cost to attend ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ for one year. Included in the cost of attendance are direct costs for tuition, fees, housing, and food for students living on campus, and indirect cost estimates for books, supplies, personal expenses, and transportation.

Departmental Fees

Fees for selected intercollegiate courses: see course descriptions. Applied music fees: see department chair.

Fees for Summer Reading Courses

The fee for a summer reading course is $500.

There are no refunds on summer reading courses once the class starts.

Fees for Part-Time Students

Change in course load must be completed by the 10th day of classes for an adjustment in tuition. Special tuition for students carrying fewer than three courses in a semester:

  • Per course: $10,833.00
  • Per half-course: $5,417.00
  • Per Quarter-course: $2,709.00

Auditor's Fees

For persons, other than those taking courses for credit, per course: $100.

Other Fees

  • Late payment fee, per month: $25
  • Returned check fee:
    • First incident: $25
    • Second incident: $35
  • Campus fee for automobiles, per semester: $65
  • Re-enrollment for senior exams: $50

The College reserves the right to apply any miscellaneous fees or charges the student may incur to the student account. This includes, but is not limited to, lab fees, library fees, unpaid medical fees, McCann Loans, and charges due to lost or damaged College property.

Fee Refund Policies

Students are considered to be officially enrolled, thereby incurring an obligation for the full semester's tuition and fees, when they (1) complete enrollment for courses and attend one or more class meetings in the semester for which enrollment has been completed, or (2) enroll for courses or submit a request for course enrollment changes during the designated enrollment periods at the beginning of each semester. A student who withdraws, is suspended, takes a leave of absence, or changes the number of course enrollments after the first day of classes in any semester can receive credits against that semester's fees only as described in the sections below. Whether any cash refund will result from the credits received will depend on the payments that have been made and the amount of financial assistance that has been received by the student. Any questions about the amount of credit or the size of the resulting refund should be directed to Student Accounts in the Finance Office. Refunds can be given only as described below.

Should the College instruct students to leave campus and complete their courses online, due to public guidance related to any health or safety issue such as Coronavirus (COVID-19), pro-rata refunds of housing and food costs will be provided.

Refund of Tuition and Associated Students Fees

Withdrawal or Leave of Absence (including suspension) after the semester begins:

  • Refunds will be processed on a per diem basis from the first day of class, including weekends. For example, if there are 110 calendar days in the semester and a student withdraws on the fifth day of the semester, the refund will be 95 percent.
  • No refunds will be given after the last drop date.

Change in course load:

  • By the end of the 10th day (second week) of classes: Refund difference between original and adjusted tuition.
  • From the 11th day to the Last Day to Drop a Course: Refund 50 percent of difference between original and adjusted tuition.

Specialty course fees such as PE classes not included in tuition:

  • By the end of the 10th day (second week) of classes: Refund 100 percent. No course fee refund will be given after this deadline.

Refund of Housing and Food Costs

Students are considered to have begun the term of their housing agreement and meal plan when they check into their designated residence hall room and are issued a key. If a student withdraws, is suspended, or takes a leave of absence, or if a housing agreement and meal plan is canceled with permission of the Office of Campus Life before the last day for withdrawal from classes, charges will be recalculated on a per-diem basis starting from the date that the residence halls officially open for students. No refund of the housing and food costs will be given after this deadline. Regardless of whether a refund is given, the College reserves the right to use and reassign the room of a student who withdraws or goes on leave during the semester.

Refund of Fee Deposit

Students are required to make a fee deposit at the time they accept the College's offer of admission. This deposit holds a place in the College and is used to cover any miscellaneous fees and charges not paid at the time of graduation or withdrawal from the College. At that time, any outstanding charges for damage to College property or miscellaneous unsettled bills are deducted from the deposit. Any balance remaining is refunded directly to the student after graduation or after withdrawal from the College unless part or all of the deposit has been forfeited as described below.

Any student, on or off campus, who files a withdrawal or leave of absence form after August 1 for the fall semester, or after December 15 for the spring semester, will forfeit the entire fee deposit. Furthermore, students who participate in the residence halls' room selection lottery system in the spring semester, but then subsequently withdraws or takes a leave of absence from the College before the fall semester, will also forfeit the entire fee deposit.

If a student for whom part or all of the fee deposit has been forfeited or used to cover miscellaneous charges returns to the College at a later date, a full cash deposit must be made in order for that student to reenter the College.