ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ College Pet Policy

September 2012

Pets belonging to faculty or staff are not allowed in campus buildings.  This policy applies to all faculty and staff unless a specific exception has been granted.  For the Student Pet Policy, please reference the Accommodation Services page.

In order to request an exception, the owner should complete the ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ College Pet Exemption Form [pdf] , which requires the signatures of both the owner's supervisor and the vice president for the owner's area, and return it to Facilities and Campus Services. Exceptions are granted subject to the following conditions:

Once the signed exception form is received, approved pets will be registered with Facilities and Campus Services/Housekeeping, which will issue a sign, in both English and Spanish, that will be permanently posted on the owner's office door.  The sign will indicate the species and registration number of the pet, and will inform others that a pet may be present. 

Pets must be on-leash or in an enclosed container (cage, aquarium, etc.) and accompanied by their owners in common areas.  Pets may not be off-leash in common areas, which include classrooms, hallways, office suites and outdoor areas on campus.  Under all circumstances, pets' owners must clean up urine, feces, vomit, or similar messes themselves.

Animals that do not normally live in an enclosure, such as dogs, must have crates on campus for their use as appropriate:  A pet that will be left alone inside an office must be crated or caged.  This is for the security of visitors to the office as well as the pets themselves, who otherwise could become lost or injured if attempting to dart through a suddenly open door.  Housekeeping and other staff will service offices normally, unless a particular worker is especially fearful of the animal inside (for example, a dog may bark at a visitor even when crated) or has allergies, in which case alternate arrangements for servicing the office will be made.  Pets must be in their crates for student/faculty meetings in the office, except by the student's specific request.  Pets that demonstrate separation anxiety should not be left unattended in an office.

It is expected that the pets be good-natured, well trained and under the control of their owners.  Any pet that bites or demonstrates an aggressive disposition will not be allowed on campus. If a pet exhibits poor behavior or creates a nuisance (e.g. barking, jumping up on visitors, etc.), the pet will no longer be allowed on campus.

Owners are responsible for their pets and will be required to correct or pay for any damages to campus property, either in the owner's office or in a common area.  This includes extraordinary cleaning or extermination charges, for example for building extermination for fleas/ticks or for cleaning unusual amounts of shed hair..

Violations of the pet policy should be reported to the offending employee's direct supervisor who will administer appropriate penalties.  For faculty, this is the Dean of the College.