Physics and Astronomy Student Liaisons

Physics Department

Anastasia Karavasili ’26

Pronouns: she/her

Hi, I’m Anastasia! I’m a sophomore from Greece, majoring in Physics. I’m on the Pre-Engineering Track and I’m hoping to go into Biomedical Engineering in the future. On Campus, you can usually find me at Estella or just hanging out at Café 47 (matcha enthusiast!)

Chris Wangʉ۪25

Pronouns: he/him

Chris is a junior Astrophysics major from Hong Kong SAR, also studying Chemistry and Mathematics. He is primarily interested in high-energy astrophysics. In his spare time, Chris enjoys landscape photography, being active, and playing piano and cello.

Collins Kariuki ’24

Pronouns: he/him

Collins is a senior Computer Science and Physics double major from Nairobi, Kenya. He is interested in condensed-matter physics, in particular, superconductivity and its applications. Moreover, Collins has a strong passion for physics education and mentorship. On campus you can find him playing soccer and ultimate frisbee, going to the gym and listening to a wide array of music (including old Samba, African folk music etc).

Ella Hort ’24

Pronouns: she/her

Ella Hort is a senior Astrophysics major with a minor in dance from New York City. Her primary interests are radio astronomy and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. When not in Estella, she can usually be found cuddled up with a fantasy book, doing ballet in Pendleton Dance Studio, or taking long walks around Claremont Village! If you see her around campus, come say hi!

Isa Hahn ’25

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Isa is a Physics and Astronomy and Art double major from the suburbs of Chicago. Besides art and physics, she loves food, music, and her cat Lulu, who you may see around Estella at various mentor sessions.

Kendra Nguyen ’24

Pronouns: Any/All

Kendra is a senior majoring in Astrophysics and hoping to minor in Politics. Their main interest is exoplanets, so they can’t tell you what constellations are above, but they can tell you about other worlds. When they aren’t in Estella, you will probably run into them on their scooter around campus. Outside of Physics, they love the arts.

Necdet Canim ’25

Pronouns: he/him

Necdet is a Turkish ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ College junior who plans to double major in Physics and Math. Biking is his favorite hobby, and he loves anything that involves space and aliens. So far, he has been to a total of 17 countries.

Yaru Luo ’24

Pronouns: she/her/她

Ru is a Physics and English double major from Staten Island, NY. On campus, you can usually find her drumming in Thatcher, reading in the Women’s Union, eating cookies at Collins dining hall, or picnicking with her friends.