Day Pages

Installation view looking southwest

Installation view, photos by Alex Delapena

Installation view

Installation view, photos by Alex Delapena

Installation view

Installation view, photos by Alex Delapena

Installation view, detail

Detail of Pui Tiffany Chow's work, photos by Alex Delapena

Installation view

Installation view, photos by Alex Delapena

Chan Gallery
ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ College Studio Art Hall
370 Colombia Avenue
Claremont CA 91711
Opening Reception Saturday, February 17, 5-7pm
Feb 14-April 1, 2024
Gallery hours Mon-Fri 10am-12noon & 1-4pm
1-4pm Saturdays & by appointment

Day Pages

An exhibition of sketchbooks and working documents
Curated by Mercedes Teixido and Stas Orlovski

Day Pages is a look at process and exploration in the form of working drawings, notes, tools, and sketchbooks. It is a place of collecting and thinking and playing with words and images. These are things not made with an audience in mind but focused on connection to an impulse and the pursuit of the material manifestation of an idea.

The pages take many forms, from the studio ephemera of Lucille Paris, the informal sketches of Ben Shahn, to Russell Crotty’s large books documenting favorite sites of rock climbing and surfing. Pui Tiffany Chow allows us to see the abstraction of a figurative image in its progression and Lisa Anne Auerbach’s pages are preparatory drawings of personal libraries for her works in knitted tapestry.

This show is organized to be current with drawing exhibitions at the Benton Museum, 500 Years of Italian Drawing and Infinity on Paper: Drawings from the Collection of Jack Shear and the Benton.

Ben Shahn
Frederick Hammersley
Emily Joyce
Elijah Quetin
Pui Tiffany Chow
Lisa Anne Auerbach
Kari Gatzke
Solomon Salim Moore
Milford Zornes
Russell Crotty
Michael O’Malley
Prageeta Sharma
Salomón Huerta
Charles Long
Stas Orlovski
Chad Attie
Samira Yamin
Pearl C Hsiung
Lucille Paris
Mercedes Teixido