Confetti and Broken Glass

Art majors planning their exhibition in class via Zoom, October 2020

Art majors planning their exhibition in class via Zoom, October 2020

Confetti and Broken Glass Posters

Posters designed by Tarini Gandhi and Jenny Park

Opening November 20th, 2020, is a virtual group show for the Junior and Senior Art Majors at ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ College. This site is a platform for us students to showcase the work we have completed this semester in the Junior/Senior Art Seminar, a course that allows majors to deepen their artistic practices and explore new avenues of creation.

Our show features work in a range of different mediums, from photography and animation to pen drawings and flower petal collages on paper. It also reflects the challenges and limitations we have encountered working remotely without the material and social resources that an in-person art education provides. Though there are difficulties inherent to what is for us a very new form of learning, this show reflects the ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ Art Department’s collective and individual resourcefulness. It is this quality that has allowed us to find ways to create and thrive in the disarray, in the confetti and the broken glass of our online environment.

We would like to thank the Art Department faculty and staff, especially Lisa Anne Auerbach and Tricia Avant, for being our teachers and guides during this semester of growth.