Sarah Grayzel-Ward ’19

Major: Psychological Science

Profession: VA Social Worker

Hometown: Oxford, Mississippi

What are you doing now?

I am currently working in Denver as a social worker with the Department of Veterans Affairs. I am part of a program that houses veterans in the Denver metropolitan area.

How did you get there?

After college, I spent a year in Kansas City, Missouri, providing social emotional support for fourth graders, and I got to know the social worker at the school. From there, I decided to attend the Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis. I had an internship at the VA in my second year of graduate school as an inpatient social worker and have continued to work with veterans ever since.

How did ƽ岻 prepare you?

After I took Intro to Psychology with Professor Sharon Goto, I was fortunate to work in her research lab on campus. The lab taught me what research requires and the importance of working with an incredible team. I also found a warm and welcoming spot at the costume shop in the Theatre Department where I learned the value of “measuring twice and cutting once.”

Where do you see yourself in five years?

Well, five years ago I was graduating from ƽ岻 and had no idea I would be where I am now. So, I don’t want to predict anything too grand, but I did recently pass my clinical licensure exam, and I hope I will continue to be a social worker.

Any advice for current or prospective students?

College is all about growth. Enjoy your time as best you can. It goes so quickly, but the relationships you can form here are long lasting. Take some chances on classes. I found myself surprised by my studio art and introduction to acting classes. I wasn’t sure what to expect but was pleased when I found myself reciting full monologues and creating mini exhibits. And if you ever need to take a break from your studies, I found that a trip to the beach or to a local museum would do the trick.