Nicole Moore

Visiting Assistant Professor of Geology
With 平特五不中 Since: 2018
  • Expertise


    Nicole Moore鈥檚 research is focused on the mafic eruptive products of volcanism. She is interested in how the petrology and geochemistry of basaltic magmas, which are generated in the mantle, can provide insight into their mantle sources, and the extent to which various crustal processes affect the magmas during their ascent to the surface of earth. Moore studies these basaltic products in a variety of tectonic settings, including continental flood basalts and volcanic arcs.

    Research Interests

    • Generation of basaltic magmas
    • Petrology and geochemistry of the mantle
    • Continental Arc Basalts
    • Continental Flood Basalts

    Areas of Expertise

    • Igneous Petrology
    • Geochemistry
    • Volcanology
    • Primitive Basalts
    • The Cascade Arc
    • Continental Flood Basalts
    • Columbia River/Steens Basalt
  • Work


    Peer Reviewed Publications

    Moore, N.E., Toth, C., Bohrson, W.A., Grunder, A.L., and *Clark, N., in revision 2024, Giant plagioclase formation in the Steens Basalt, southeast Oregon: a consequence of variable contributions by differentiation processes over the life of magmatism: GSA Bulletin.

    Murphy, B.S., Fulton, A.A., Chappell, J. C., and Moore, N.E., 2023, Pyromorphite and Wulfenite from the Montague Claims, Teller Mountain, Montezuma District, Summit Co., Colorado; Mineral News, v. 39, p. 1-4.

    Moore, N.E., and Robinson, L., 2022, , Elements Magazine, v. 18, p. 246-250,

    Moore, N.E., Grunder, A.L., Bohrson, W.A., Carlson, R.W., and Bindeman, I.N., 2020, : Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, v. 21,

    Moore, N.E., Grunder, A.L. and Bohrson, W.A., 2018, : Geosphere, v. 14, no. 6, p. 2505-2532,

    Moore, N.E., and DeBari, S.M., 2012, 鈥淢afic magmas from Mount Baker in the northern Cascadearc, Washington: probes into mantle and crustal processes,鈥 Contributions to Mineralogy and vPetrology, v. 163, p. 521-546, doi: 10.1007/s00410-011-0686-4.

    Abstracts Presented

    (*student author)

    *Robinson, A., Waldien, T., Moore, N.E., 2024, U-Pb zircon dating of Neoarchean rocks in the Little Elk Terrane, Black Hills, South Dakota: GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 56, no. 5.

    *Li, S., *Diallo, K., Moore, N.E., Lackey, J.S., McCarty, K, 2024, Late Jurassic Volcano-Sedimentary Interactions in the Hodge Volcanic Series, Iron Mountain, Central Mojave Desert, California: GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 56, no. 5.

    *Gale, R.V, Kerber, L., Moore, N.E., *Wire, N., Uckert, K., Hockman, B., Radibaugh, J., Roy, A., 2024, The Diversity of Small Volcanic Fields: Implications for Sampling Strategies for Planetary Missions: Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract 2347.

    Kerber, L., *Gale, R.V, Moore, N.E, *Wire, N., Francis, R., Uckert, K., Hockman, B., Radibaugh, J., Sellar, R.G., 2024, Concept of Operations Strategies for a Lunar Pit Mission: Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract 1808.

    Labrie J., Schmidt, M.E., Hallis, L.J., Moore, N.E., Grunder, A.L., Shiraishi, L., Hurowitz, J.A., Ramo, K., Klevang, D.A., et al., 2024, PIXL Breadboard Analyses of Mars 2020/Mars Sample Return Jezero Crater Floor Analogue Rocks: Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract 2115.

    Thiessen, F., Orgel, C., Beaty, D.W., Hallis, L., Moore, N.E., Rampe, E., Schmidt, M.E., Siebach, K.L., 2024, Mars Sample Return Analogue Sample Collection Field Campaign 2023: Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract 1208.

    Moore, N.E., *Clark, N., *Hannahs, C., *Peterson, H., *Gale, R.V., *Finn, T., 2022, Crystal Size Distributions of Texturally Varied Giant Plagioclase Basalts in the Steens Basalt, Southeast Oregon: From Outcrop to Micro Scale: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 54, no. 5, .

    *Wire, N., Grosfils, E.B., and Moore, N., 2022, Analytical Modeling and Petrology of a Tube-Fed Lava Flow on Mauna Loa Volcano, Hawaii: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 54, no. 5, .

    Kerber, L., Sellar, R.G., Denevi, B., Moore, N., Nesnas, I.A., Balint, T., Uckert, K., Errico, M., 2022, Moon Diver: Descending into the Geological History of Lunar Volcanism: 73rd International Astronautical Congress, Paper 72741.

    Kerber, L., Uckert, K., Sellar, R.G., Moore, N., Nesnas, I.A., Denevi, B., 2022, Ongoing Preparations for a Mission to a Lunar Pit, Lunar Exploration Analysis Group Annual Meeting, Abstract 5041.

    *Clark, N., Moore, N.E., Grunder, A.L, Bohrson, W.A., 2021, Quantitative Textural Analysis of Giant Plagioclase Basalt Flows in the Steens Basalt, SE Oregon, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 53, no. 4, 2021, doi: 10.1130/abs/2021CD-363111.

    Moore, N.E., Carlson, R.W., Grunder, A.L., Bohrson, W.A., 2019, Homogeneous 187Os/188Os and high Os concentrations in the Steens Basalt, Columbia River Flood Basalt Group, Southeast Oregon: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 51, no. 5.

    Moore, N.E., Grunder, A.L., Bohrson, W.A., and Carlson, R.W., 2017, 鈥淪ource and magma processes during the onset of Columbia River Flood Basalt volcanism, the Steens Basalt, SE Oregon,鈥 IAVCEI Scientific Assembly, Abstract ME21B-6.

    Benda帽a, S., Bohrson, W.A., Graubard, M.A., Moore, N.E., and Grunder, A.L., 2017, 鈥淨uantification of Mantle vs. Crustal Contributions to the Steens Flood Basalt Magmatic System,鈥 IAVCEI Scientific Assembly, Abstract ME23C-070.

    Louis, M., Toth, C., Bohrson, W.A., Moore, N.E., Benda帽a, S., Graubard, M.A., and Grunder, A.L., 2017, 鈥淧hase Equilibria Constraints on the Magma Storage System with the Steens Basalt,鈥 IAVCEI Scientific Assembly, Abstract ME23C-071.

    Toth, C., Louis, M., Bohrson, W.A., Benda帽a, S., Moore, N.E., and Grunder, A.L., 2017, 鈥淥pen-System Origin of Giant Plagioclase in the Steens Basalt, SE Oregon, USA: Assimilation of Plagioclase Mush or Entrainment of Plagioclase Antecrysts?,鈥 IAVCEI Scientific Assembly, Abstract ME23C-072.

    Toth, C.H., Bohrson, W.A., Louis, M., Benda帽a, S., Moore, N.E., and Grunder, A.L., 2017, 鈥漁rigin of giant plagioclase in a large-volume basaltic magma: entrainment of partially-melted gabbroic cumulate in the Steens Basalt, SE Oregon, USA,鈥 Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs v. 49, no. 6.

    Benda帽a, S., Bohrson, W.A., Grunder, A., and Moore, N.E., 2016, 鈥淕eochemical Evolution of Steens Basalt: Quantification of Mantle vs. Crustal Contributions to an Evolving Flood Basalt Magmatic System,鈥 Abstract V34B-07 presented at 2016 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco CA, 12-16 Dec.

    Moore, N.E., Toth, C., Grunder, A.L., Bohrson, W.A., and Bindeman, I., 2016, 鈥淥xygen isotope composition of plagioclase from the Steens Basalt, Columbia River Basalt Province, SE Oregon,鈥 Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 48, no. 4.

    Lytle, K., Moore, N.E. and Grunder, A.L., 2016, 鈥淥livine compositions of the lower Steens Basalt: Probing into magma histories of early flood basalt events,鈥 Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 48, no. 4.

    Moore, N.E., Lytle, K., Bohrson, W.A., and Grunder, A.L., 2015, 鈥淣ew Petrologic and Geochemical Insights into Differentiation Processes Required to Produce the Lower Steens Basalt, Columbia River Basalt Province, SE Oregon,鈥 Abstract V41C-3090 presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.

    Grunder, A.L., Moore, N.E., and Bohrson, W.A., 2015, 鈥淕iant Plagioclase 鈥淢osaicrysts鈥 and Other Textures in the Steens Basalt, Columbia River Flood Basalt Province,鈥 Abstract V31E-3063 presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.

    Moore, N.E., and Grunder, A.L., 2014, 鈥淰ariations in whole rock and mineral composition of the Lower Steens Basalt, SE Oregon,鈥 Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 46, no. 6.

    Moore, N.E., and DeBari, S.M., 2009, 鈥淥rigin and geochemical evolution of mafic magmas from Mount Baker in the northern Cascade arc, Washington: probes into mantle and crustal processes,鈥 Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 41, no. 7, p. 191.

    DeBari, S.M., Moore, N.E., and Baggerman, T., 2009, 鈥淰ariable mantle and crustal influences on magmatism in the Cascade arc,鈥 Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 41, no. 7, p. 571.

    Moore, N.E., and DeBari, S.M., 2008, 鈥淥rigin and geochemical evolution of mafic magmas from the Cascade arc, Mount Baker, Washington: probes into mantle processes,鈥 18th Annual Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts, v. 72, no. 12, p. A647.

    Invited Talks

    Quantitative textural and compositional analysis of giant plagioclase flows from the Steens Basalt, southeast Oregon: from outcrop to micro scale鈥 at the Cal State Fullerton Geological Sciences Department Seminar, February 1, 2023.

    Moore, N.E., The Petrochemical Evolution of the Steens Basalt in Southeast Oregon, presented online at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory鈥檚 Planetary Science Seminar Series, October 18, 2021.

    Moore, N.E., , presented online at the Association for Women Geologists PNW Chapter meeting, January 9, 2021.

  • Education


    Ph.D., Oregon State University

    M.S., Western Washington University

    B.S., University of Nebraska at Omaha

  • Awards & Honors

    Awards & Honors

    • National Science Foundation EMBRACE-EAR Grant 鈥 Magmatic Evolution and Timing of the Independence Dike Swarm: Combining Petrologic, Geochemical, and Geochronologic Data to Understand Large Dike Swarm Emplacement, awarded to PI Moore, July 2024 ($198,248)
    • 平特五不中 College Large Faculty Research Grant 鈥 What magmatic processes are responsible for the formation of giant plagioclase basalt flows in the Steens Basalt, SE Oregon?, March 2021
    • 平特五不中 College Wig Teaching Innovation Grant 鈥 Geomythology Course, 2020 & 2021
    • 平特五不中 College Small Faculty Research Grant 鈥 funding for the Steens Basalt Isotopes Publication, July 2020
    • National Science Foundation Petrology and Geochemistry Program Grant to Grunder and Bohrson (Moore as substantive contributing author): Crustal Modulation of Flood Basalts--Integrating Field, Geochemical and Computational Data for the Steens Basalt 鈥 2014
    • OSU CEOAS Jean Bowman Clark Educational Fund 鈥 2014
    • Geological Society of America Graduate Student Research Grant 鈥 2014 OSU
    • CEOAS Jess Johnson Graduate Student Writing Award 鈥 2013
    • OSU Graduate Laurels Fellowship 鈥 2012-2013
    • Geological Society of America Parke D. Snavely, Jr. Cascadia Research Award 鈥 2007
    • USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory Kleinman Grant for Volcano Research 鈥 2007
    • WWU Department of Geology Grant for Fieldwork 鈥 2007 and 2008
    • WWU Grant RSP Fund for the Enhancement of Graduate Research 鈥 2007
    • UNO Elmer C. Rhoden Scholarship for Undergraduates 鈥 2003-2004 and 2004-2005
    • UNO Regent鈥檚 Scholarship 鈥 Fall 1995