COVID-19 Policy Updates - Isolation and Guests in Residence Halls (3/20/23)

Dear ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ students,

I hope you found time during spring break to rest and recharge so that you are ready to face the remainder of the semester successfully. I am certainly cheering you on!

I’m writing regarding some changes to Los Angeles County’s public health guidance for COVID-19, leading to updates to ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ’s policies.

First, let me confirm what has been in place since the start of the spring semester and will continue.

  • Since the third week of the semester, weekly COVID-19 testing for all students, including those with vaccination exemptions, has been optional and this will continue until further notice.
  • If you are symptomatic  (even if you think it is just allergies, a cold or the flu), you are still required to test with a PCR test via the SHS vending machines or an SHS appointment within 24-48 hours of symptom onset.

Contact tracing and isolation requirements for students who test positive for COVID-19 remain in place. However, some modifications in the process for leaving isolation are outlined in section 1 below.

New COVID-19 policy updates are:

  1. Students with COVID-19 in isolation can end their isolation after 5 days (so, on Day 6) WITHOUT any antigen testing needed as long as:
    1. Symptoms are not present, or are mild and improving, AND
    2. Fever-free for 24-hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication)
    3. If fever is present, isolation continues until 24 hours after fever resolves
    4. If symptoms, other than fever, are not improving, continue to isolate until symptoms are improving or until after Day 10
    5. Mask wearing will continue to be required when around others even after isolation ends, especially in indoor settings, through Day 10.* Contact tracers will call students on Day 6 or the following Monday to verify they haven’t had a fever and their symptoms have improved, then provide a clearance message to the campus liaison so that the student can be notified that they have permission to leave isolation.
  2. Students who have had a close contact with someone who is COVID positive are strongly encouraged (but not required) to mask, as well as test as soon as possible and then, if negative, testing again 3-5 days after last known exposure.
  3. Non-7C Guests are once again allowed in the residence halls in accordance with . Please be sure to review the policy to familiarize yourself with the details that may be unfamiliar to many, if not all of you.

While some COVID-19 policies are being adjusted in response to changing public health guidance, I strongly urge you to continue being vigilant in protecting yourself and keeping our community safe. We are still in this together and have a responsibility to each other.


Happy Monday,

Dean Hinkson