Department Research Summary, 2014

One of the best things about being a small department is our ability to provide top-notch science instruction in the classroom, but of course our faculty (Gaines, Grosfils, Lackey, Lang, Prokopenko, Reinen) and students also learn collaboratively by exploring a wide array of exciting new research questions together. Looking back at 2014, here’s a sample of what our small dynamic research community** achieved:

  • We showcased research results at the following 12 conferences: American Geophysical Union (San Francisco), American Quaternary Association (Seattle), British Columbia Paleontological Association (Victoria, Canada), IAVCEI 5th Conference on Collapse Calderas (Taupo, New Zealand), Geological Society of America (Vancouver, Canada), Geological Society of America Cordilleran section (Bozeman), Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference (Sacramento), International Paleontological Congress (Mendoza, Argentina), Keck Geology Symposium (South Hadley), Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Houston), Ocean Science Meeting (Honolulu), Organic Geochemistry Gordon Conference (Holderness)
  • We published 16 peer-reviewed articles in 13 venues: Deep Sea Research I & II (3 papers), Earth and Planetary Science Letters (2 papers), Geological Society of America Field Guide 34 (2 papers), Geological Society of London Special Publication 401, Geophysical Research Letters, Geosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, Marine Chemistry, Nature Communications, Palaios, Paleontological Society Papers, Tectonics
  • Our research was supported by external funding from: NASA (Planetary Geology & Geophysics), National Geographic Society, NSF (Career, Chemical Oceanography, Earth Sciences, Marine Geology & Geophysics, Sedimentary Geology & Paleobiology), Research Corporation, Sigma Xi

**: Italicized text above indicates student involvement, with students listed below.

19 Student Research Collaborators (for above activities) in 2014 (listed only if contribution happened at ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ College): John Baxter ’08, Callie Sendek ’12, Luke Ferguson ’13, Jane Eisenberg ’14, Peter Ferrin ’14, Rachel Havranek ’14, Dulcie Head ’14, Nick Browne ’15, Joanmarie Del Vecchio ’15, Anne Fulton ‘15, Robby Goldman ’15, Jack Albright ’16, Annika Deurlington ’16, Zoe Dilles ’16, Erin Barry ’17, Mark Lozano ’17, Michael Wucher ’17, Amanda Yin ’17, Rachel Zimmerman ’17